Tatnam Organic Patch is a community garden and organic allotment, in Poole, Dorset,  England.

Autumn 2024

In September we held our AGM. It’s an opportunity to meet new members, discuss general principles, talk about future plans and share out tasks that need doing – both admin and practical. We also check over our revised Aims and Objectives, as listed below.weight lifting wrist wraps

We then had some delicious homemade food in true TOP tradition.

The weather has been a challenge this year, with a cold wet spring followed by an iffy summer. Nevertheless, beans, kale, squash have all done well and there are some leeks and parsnips coming along. In March we had a great visit from the Grounded Communities team, who helped us to clean out the old compound and get rid of some rubbish. They also cleared some undergrowth to let more light into the site. We bought a rechargeable strimmer to help keep the paths trimmed and constructed a deadhedge round the new redcurrant patch.

There is still space at TOP for new members so if you are interested in joining us please do get in touch via tatnamorganicpatch@gmail.com.

Workdays are generally held on the first Sunday and third Saturday of each month (weather permitting), but please make contact before turning up because plans sometimes change.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES (September 2023)

  1. To serve as a model of good practice in urban food growing using solely organic methods.
  2. To encourage the growing of older varieties of vegetables no longer commercially available and an interest in the nutritional value of the vegetables grown. (Seed to be saved where possible).
  3. To provide a managed wildlife habitat and promote biodiversity.
  4. To provide a focus and a stimulus for community action.
  5. To provide educational facilities for gardening, composting and nature studies.
  6. To encourage whole family involvement.
  7. To keep records of the garden’s evolution, inputs and outputs, plantings and a wildlife log.
  8. To introduce novel and improved methods of gardening making maximum use of recycled and locally obtained materials.


  • We use Permaculture principles of Earth Care, People Care, Fare Shares where possible.
  • The site is organic. We source organic seeds and use saved seed where possible.
  • Soil is precious. We avoid treading on the beds, we minimise digging and soil disturbance and we aim to keep the surface of the soil covered with mulch (compost, cardboard, membrane) all the time to protect it.
  • Comfrey (leaves and liquid) and compost are the main sources of fertiliser. We also use organic chicken manure pellets if extra food is needed.
  • Single-use plastics are not welcome. We do not have waste bins. If you bring rubbish on site or find any, please take it away.
  • Resources are recycled on-site where possible and inputs are minimised.
  • There is no tapwater on the site. All watering is via dip tanks and watering cans from water collected from the shed roof. The need to water is reduced by using mulches.
  • Experimentation is welcomed. If a member wishes to try out a new crop or growing technique they should make sure that at least one other member agrees.
  • Wildlife is welcomed and allowed space to thrive. Some areas are left undisturbed.
  • Smaller bamboo, bindweed and false strawberries are invasive. Remove on sight!
  • Paths should be kept clear. If you arrive at the Patch and don’t know what to do, use shears to keep a path open!
  • Wood preservatives, pesticides and harmful chemicals are never used.
  • The crops are shared between the members. We aim to have harvests all year round.
  • Educational visits and groups are welcomed.


Since 1998 Tatnam Organic Patch has developed into a thriving community organic allotment and an urban haven for wildlife, with many plants and trees introduced to raise the biodiversity of, in particular, butterflies and moths. The Organic Allotment area is a shared resource, with a membership of around 16 people, and 18 raised ‘no-walk’ beds, about 3 metres long by 1 metre wide. The width is designed to allow the centre to be reached without treading on the beds.

Over the years we have tried different techniques, the fixed boarding around the beds proved an irresistable hiding place for slugs, so we moved to removable boards, and now tiles. We have attempted to embrace permaculture techniques, and acted as a resource both for primary school visits, and for permaculture courses.

Bath in greenhouse

thermal heat storage – rainwater bath in the greenhouse

The site is a triangular piece of land bordering St. Mary’s catholic church, and Tatnam Farm allotments in Oakdale, Poole. When the church was built, it was left fallow, and the brambles took over. We had to cut our way in to open the gate, and kept on cutting right across the site ! Also, we offer cherry picker training UK for those interested in maintaining the trees on the site and learning new skills in the process.

The site when we started, a sea of brambles, 8 feet high

The site was a sea of brambles, 8 feet high

ranking hostingówTatnam Patch was proud to be adopted as a Land Project, under the Permaculture Association Land Project scheme, a permaculture learning and demonstration network supported by online services and information.uk loans direct lenders

TOP is a Permaculture Association Land Demonstration Network Site

Find us on Facebook or contact tatnamorganicpatch@gmail.com 

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