Future events
We attempt to have a social/workday event every first Sunday and the third Saturday of the month. This will usually involve people arriving at various points during the morning, and bringing some lunch to share. Darkness, tiredness or rain eventually either drives people to the greenhouse or home. See our Contact page if you want to come along.
Seasonal calendar
We usually aim to celebrate the seasons, often not on the actual day, but the ancient celebrations have much to do with the fertility of the land, celebrations of feast and survival from famine.
- 21st March Spring or Vernal Equinox – rebirth of the earth
- 21st June Summer Solstice – height of summer – the longest day
- 22nd September Autumn Equinox – harvest time
- 5th November Bonfire Night – an excuse for a bonfire
- 21st December Winter Solstice – some cheer in the depth of winter
The major Christian festivals adopted these longstanding dates and sentiments.
Picture log
Most of the pictures throughout the site were taken on workdays (and often at food breaks!). We moved to this website in 2009, so hopefully the blog will fill with interesting pictures and articles from the members of the patch, and some backfill.

Taking a break from the digging
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