The Oak and Willow trees along the stream borders are original. There is also a Hawthorn Bush near the main pond that was already in-situ. Otherwise, we have introduced a wide variety of trees and bushes to the site.  Some are intended to provide food or habitat for specific species of moths or butterflies. Many have specific or historic use.

Here’s a selection;

Near the gate

Walnut (Juglans Regia) – Fast growing tree, 1-2 metres per year, grows to 30 metres high. We haven’t managed to beat the Squirrels to eat any walnuts yet. A grafted walnut will produce a crop in 6-8 years.

On the Fence

Japanese Elm – said to be more resistant than English Elm to Dutch Elm disease. We have already lost an English Elm planted at the site. They grow to around 20 feet, when they become vulnerable.

Alder Buckthorn – the Brimstone Butterfly will only lay its eggs on a Buckthorn plant. Why is the Brimstone important ? It is the sulphur yellow one, that was the original of the “butter coloured fly”.

Near the pond

Wayfaring Tree

Once very common along the lanes of Southern England. More of a bush than a tree, the berries provide good winter food for birds, and in spring, the nectar is popular with hoverflies.

Black Poplar
Good habitat for Hawkmoth & Pussmoth, once vital as a building material because the shapes of branches were used for cruck frames. The toughness of the wood was prized for wagonmaking, bowl turning and fletching.

Mulberry Tree (Black and White varieties)

A popular import from China for feeding silkworms. The fruit is too delicate for shops to bother, but ripe fruit, freshly fallen from the tree is the best fruit. The childrens song, “Here we go round the Mulberry Bush” was apparently from prisoners in the exercise yard at Wakefield prison. The tree in question still apparently stands.

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