Sun 7 Mar 2010
7th March – Bindweed – king of the crops
Posted by Andy under Workdays
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If only we could find a recipe for eating bindweed. Another busy Workday today down at the patch, mostly deep digging to clear the patch to the north of the greenhouse. A permaculture design has been roughly sketched out, and the team are keen to get beyond – well, digging. The prize archaelogical find was, I’m afraid something I remember being installed, a plastic bucket placed as a pond alongside the herb spiral.
Otherwise, Tat was busy with higher maths, and how to stretch the available pieces of wood to make a new lid for one water tank that would serve to extend the high water storage that irrigates the greenhouse from 2 x 40 gallon tanks to 3.
Mark worked his way once more along the far side of the fence, tending the brambles which maintains the security of the fence for us, and offers our neighbours a good crop of blackberries.
And Andy was tapping glass for most of the day. He thought he’d fixed all the main holes in the greenhouse until he sat down for a cup of tea and noticed more to do, for another day.
We had to stop for a great Venison curry (more cardamons than ever), grand sausage hotpot, homebaked bread rolls and dainty cherry and almond cakes, and the sun was kind.