Sun 12 Jun 2011
Some photos from the Open Day 28th May
Posted by manuela under Uncategorized
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Sun 12 Jun 2011
Posted by manuela under Uncategorized
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Sun 12 Jun 2011
Posted by Andy under Recycling
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As a sailor, I watch the forecast by habit. The garden has been crying out for rain, and despite our ‘water very sparingly’ policy, the waterbutts, which are all connected together underground, running very dry.
So having a good rain today as the forecasters had predicted is very good, and even more so as I connected in our new big IBC water tank (1000 litres capacity) on Friday. This takes rainwater off the shed, and feeds all of the rest of the low level butts around the garden.
Just need to decide when is the best time to go and get wet checking it is all filling as expected.
Of course this renders my calculations of our overall capacity out of date, the water system is described here Perhaps I should take the opportunity on a rainy day to updated it, but Wimborne Folk Festival is calling. There’s always winter !
Sun 5 Jun 2011
Posted by Andy under Uncategorized
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Quite a few of us huddled in the greenhouse and did a bit of work in the rain. Came back tonight, and found an interesting site, Wordle, which analyses our site, and gives the following, an equal mix between names of those involved in the patch, and what we’ve been up to, which I guess is how it should be;
(clicking on the thumbnail image takes you to the Wordle site)